Dr. Zhao started a new role as Assistant Professor at Eastern Institute for Advanced Study.Congrats!
Congratulations to Dr. Khan for the new position as Assistant professor at UofA
Great New! Dr. Hu is the 2023 winner of the CSChE Innovation Award. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Dr. Hu for winning the Early Research Excellence Award
Congratulations to Amir for being selected as an e2i trainee by Innovates Calgary
Our recent work has been accepted by the journal Separation and Purification Technology
Our latest work was published on ACS Catalysis
Our recent work has been accpeted by Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
New paper has been accepted by Journal of Energy Chemistry
Welcome to our new member
Our work about photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide production was published on Chem Catalysis
New paper was published on Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
New paper accepted, congratulations to all the authors